diamante poem

on Wednesday our class and room 4 made a diamante poems.  We did this because there was no internet.  i liked it because i got to Colour it in   it was easy it did not take that long  also it was very fun have you made a diamante poem before


In our class we are learning how to do great beginnings.  I found this hard because I haven’t done this before.  What is your favourite part of my story?


about me

In class, we were learning how to create a poster using Google Drawing.  We had to include all of the things that we loved.  I enjoyed finding the photos because it didn’t feel like work.

Have you ever used google drawing before?

New Zealand Critters

At Waitohu School, we are in charge of looking after the Waitohu Awa.  This means that we need to do testing to check and see if the Awa is healthy.  One of the tasks is looking at the critters.  I made a google slide about the Critters we might find at the Awa.  I Liked learning all about the different creatures and looking at pictures of them.  What insect interests you the most?

The duathlon

our class had to write a story about school duathlon we had to include  a clear introduction  to the story and we to add detail  like what we saw heard and thought below  is a copy of my Duathlon recount:

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