quick write

Today in class, we did a quick write for the first time.  Our topic was about what happens next?  We watched a video about a girl with a camera but it broke.  After she put it in the bin it came to life and tried to find her but she was walking away.  Here is the my story of what happens next.  do you like it?

  • in the town there was a little girl she had a camera she loved taking  pictures she would take pictures of birds houses . i think it was fun writing the quick write  i had lot of ideas.

boggle 6

every week we do a boggle it like a word puzzle you put word in to a  slide you have to have  10 words to finish have you did boggle <


Room 3 is learning about the Olympics.  I have found this interesting.  There were things I didn’t know about the Olympics.  Here is my report about what I have learnt so far.  Do you know when the first Olympics took place?


in our class we are learning olympic values we do challenges once a while we there are teams i am Nz we got the gold metal last time and silver medal every time a team gets a gold medal we have to do that national anthem 

diamante poem

on Wednesday our class and room 4 made a diamante poems.  We did this because there was no internet.  i liked it because i got to Colour it in   it was easy it did not take that long  also it was very fun have you made a diamante poem before


In our class we are learning how to do great beginnings.  I found this hard because I haven’t done this before.  What is your favourite part of my story?